Meeting Alicia and Lacy

Created by krisk1 11 years ago
We met Alicia when she and Lacy went to a Fun Match hosted by Tails-A-Waggin in Rhonert Park. We had been bitten by the Agility Bug and always made sure to talk to anyone who had a springer spaniel because of our springer, Cher. Alicia and Lacy were a wonderful team. Lacy ran so much faster than our Cher. This was the beginning of many wonderful times of sharing the fun of Agility competition. One of the best was attending the Springer National Specialty in Albany Oregon. This event was near Alicia's mother's home along the river in Florence which we visited and had a marvelous day walking along the Siuslaw River with the dogs having the best time ever. Alicia and Lacy excelled in the Agility Trials at the National and were awarded a beautiful Blue Medallion for 1st place. Any trial we attended when Alicia and Lacy were also competing was a joy. Lacy has that happy demeanor of a springer, but Lacy also reflects the happiness she learned from Alicia. Lacy is a blessing in our lives from Alicia and she will continue to run fast and clean in agility... Ginnie & Krissy Klein