Best friend..

Created by ace 11 years ago
Alicia - your brother John was my best friend. You and I did not know each other most of this time until John became ill.. we met over the phone under less than great circumstances with what had to be a difficult call for you to make to me.. but then many times over the phone - e-mail and in person we spoke about so many things! It is hard to believe this coming November 6 will be 9 years since John passed.. and in that time you and I shared much. You comforted me unselfishly as long as we have known each other.. in ways only the universe can fully understand you became my best friend and ongoing connection to, of and from John - and separately just of you... I did not fully take this in until the anniversary of John's birthday several weeks ago (Oct 15).. a time I just naturally went to call you as we had done every year... then realized you were no longer at the other end of a physical phone connection and it hit me even more than I realized how close we had become in ways that mattered so much even given our usual physical distance - how much you had shared and been for me - how much you had become my friend and ongoing connection to John - how much we talked about getting together in person ggain that now would not happen - how much I wished I could have been so much more for you - and how very much you meant to me. I think of how hard it was to call and tell me what was happening to you.. but more how wonderful your spirit when we did talk as time progressed. As I think of you and remember these feelings - it seems appropriate that I share here a painting John did before moving back to Florence of one of the Colorado valley's he loved so much.. I have always felt his spirit is in this picture - especially the sky - and I trust and feel you are there now to.. Because I know you through John.. and yes once again - you really did become not only my friend but my connection to John also - I share a picture of him here as well.. When John left us we said he would be "remembered for his wonderful sense of humor and his kind and gentle manner." I came to find these things in you to - all this and more without doubt.. You were both so very, very special - to me and to all that knew you.. I thank your close friends - especially Shirley - for keeping me in heart and spirit these last months. What I have read from your many friends here has given me even more to know of just how wonderful a woman, person and spirit you were.. It is wonderful to read the thoughts - the stories and see the pictures of you.. I truly will miss you and wish you god speed - may the wind be always at your back.. travel well, far and with great joy and spirit.. Until we meet again.. with all my love.. Your friend... Andy Corwin